Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Firestation Matrix


  1. Dear Jonathan,
    Good work so far Keep it up. Regarding the bubble diagram , I would suggest to update by grouping as Administrative and training zone, Firemen residential zone, Apparatus bay and support zone.( probably color coded accordingly), thus the individual relationships/ adjacencies can be made more meaningful.
    Syed Ahmed

  2. I totally agree. You will also need locker rooms and bathrooms close the the bunk rooms.
    I need to see mechanical room and storage for the kitchen.

  3. Hi Jonathan, consider every surface as a potential opportunity for freshness. Walls, floors & ceilings, it will set you apart as a designer & give your client a low ongoing cost & high performance building. Push your grasp of daylight & natural ventilation further.

  4. Funny. That is what I teach them in another design class. I remind them that WALLS FLOORS and CEILING make the space.
